
The Scout Section is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years old. Scouts form a Troop, which is made up of Patrols. The troop currently has three patrols, each named after animals.

Senior Scouts are appointed as the Patrol Leaders (PLs), aided by Assistant Patrol Leaders (APLs).


Scouts meet 7 – 9 pm on a Thursday night. Normally over winter meetings are held at the Scout Hut, in summer they will be there or at Dilston. Please check the programme for more details.

Weekly Meetings

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Camps & Special Events

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OSMProgramme details are published on this website and also on Online Scout Manager (OSM).

Email the leaders at


Malcolm Murray

Dr Malcolm Murray
Group Scout Leader

Jo Mitchell

Jo Mitchell
Assistant Scout Leader

Fancy getting involved too?
Join us…

Who is Scouts for?

Scouts is open to young people aged between ten and half and fourteen years old who want to join and can make the Scout Promise.

What do Scouts do?

Scouts normally meet once a week for a couple of hours. It is an opportunity for them to catch up with friends, learn new skills and explore issues relevant to their age group. They will also have their chance to say what they want to do!

Scouting Outdoors

Scouting has a reputation as an outdoor organisation based on strong traditions of camping and other outdoor pursuits. Scouting offers a range of activities for Scouts away from their home throughout the year, lots of camps and when possible a longer camp in the summer. These are an important part of Troop life and everybody is encouraged to go.

See what our Scouts got up to in Austria when they went camping with the 1st Hexham troop.

Scouts Explore

Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities. On top of the adventure of outdoor activities that forms a large part of the Scout Section, a Balanced Programme will help them find out about the world in which they live, encourage them to know their own abilities and the importance of keeping fit and help to develop their creative talents. It also provides opportunities to explore their own values and personal attitudes and develop in all the Personal Development Areas.

Scouts take the Lead

Scouts have the opportunity to make more and more decisions for themselves about they want to do and want to get out of Scouting. The opportunities will be there for them to take part in a wide range of activities and to gain a variety of skills and knowledge. They will get to learn more about themselves by not only taking responsibility for themselves, but for others as well.

Becoming a Scout: Investiture

Making the Promise is the most important act in Scouting and is common to every Section. Scouting has a special ceremony for making the Promise called Investiture or being invested. After a few weeks of trying Scouts, members who want to stay are invested. It is helpful if they have their green Scout shirt at this point. During this short ceremony, a Scout makes their Promise. They receive their Group Scarf, Group, District and County badges and their Membership Award. They are welcomed as a new Member into the Scout family. Often several new Scouts are invested at once.

Scout Uniform

Scouts wear a green shirt/blouse, the 1st Stocksfield Scout Group scarf (sometimes called a “necker”) and a leather woggle (to keep their necker on). There is also a Scout belt – worn on special occasions.

The Scout Promise

Scouting differs from many organisations in that it requires its Members to make a Promise. The Scout Promise is the same for Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Members of the Scout Network and adult Members of the Association. There are several versions, designed for different faiths:

On my honour,I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

On my honour,I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to my Dharma and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

On my honour,I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the country in which I am now living, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful,I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to Allah and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.

By making the promise a young person becomes a Member of the worldwide Movement; they become a Scout.

The Scout Law

The Scout Law is a set of ‘rules’ that Scouts should do their best to live their life by. They are based on the Laws that Baden Powell came up with, but have evolved to reflect changing times. The Laws are:

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.
  4. A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  6. A Scout makes careful use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
  7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.


The motto for all Members of the Movement is:

Be Prepared

How Scouting Began

The Scout Section has existed since Scouting began in 1907. Though the Section has gone through many changes its values and fundamental principles have remained unchanged. Today there are over 100,000 Scouts in 6,600 Troops across the UK.

It began with 20 boys and an experimental camp held during the first nine days of August in 1907 at Brownsea Island, near Poole in Dorset. The camp was a great success and proved to its organiser, Robert Baden-Powell, that his training and methods appealed to young people and really worked.

In January 1908, Baden-Powell published the first edition of “Scouting for Boys”. It was an immediate success and has since sold over 100 million copies, making it one of the best selling books of all time. Baden-Powell had only intended to provide a method of training boys, something that existing youth organisations such as the Boys’ Brigade and YMCA could adopt. To his surprise, youngsters started to organise themselves into what was to become one of the largest voluntary youth movements in the world.

The first official Scout Camp was held in 1908 in Northumberland – the location is now marked by the Lookwide Stone.

How Scouts are Organised

Scouts meet together as a Troop and work within a variety of small groups called Patrols. A Scout called a Patrol Leader leads the Patrol. The Patrol Leaders work with the Leadership Team in setting the programme and in decisions affecting the Troop. The Patrol system is one of the important ways that young people can take responsibility for themselves and others. A volunteer leadership team made up of uniformed Leaders and other informal Assistants and helpers will guide the Troop. Explorer Scouts who are Young Leaders might also assist the leadership team in the Troop.

Badges and Awards

There are a wide range of badges and awards for Scouts to aim for during their time with the Troop. Badges and awards are given in recognition of the effort made by each young person at their own level.

A full list of Scout badges is available on The Scout Association website.

The Membership Award

Membership AwardThis Award helps the young person understand the commitment they are making when they make the Promise and become a Member of the Movement. It covers the history, traditions and practices of Scouting.

Joining In Awards

Joining In AwardThe Joining In Awards recognise a commitment to Scouting. They celebrate Scouts participating in a Balanced Programme over a period of time. They are awarded on the anniversary of the young person joining Scouting.


Teamwork ChallengeThe Challenges have been developed to extend Scouts’ skills and experience in a particular area. The Challenge badges are hexagonal and worn on the chest.

Activity Badges

Survival Skills BadgeActivity Badges are optional, but they provide an opportunity to reward a young person who has taken part in an activity over a period of time. They should raise interest and extend a young person’s skills throughout their time in Scouting. Scout Activity Badges are round and blue and worn on the sleeve.

Staged Activity Badges

Nights Away Stage 1 BadgeThere are also a series of staged Activity Badges, which gives a young person the opportunity to develop an area of interest throughout their time in Scouting. Scouts can wear the staged badges they earned in Beavers and Cubs too.

Gold Chief Scout’s Award

Gold Chief Scout's AwardThis badge is the highest award available in the Scout Section. It is gained by completing all the Challenge Awards, plus any six activity or staged activity badges.

The Gold Chief Scout’s Award can be worn in Explorers.

The Moving-On Award

Moving On AwardThis helps ease the transfer of a Scout to a District Explorers Unit, recognising that they are already Members of the Scout Movement.


If you (or your Scout) want to know more, there are a range of publications on offer. We hold a copy of each in the Scout Hut – ask one of the Leaders if you’d like a look. Neither of these are required purchases.

Badges and Awards Book

This A6-sized book fits into your pocket, though it is a bit thicker than the Cub and Beaver versions, reflecting the greater number of badges available. Aiming at both Scouts and their parents, it lists the requirements for every badge, with coloured pictures. Although this information is freely available on the Scouts pages of the Scout Association website, it is useful to have it all in a book, and at £5.00 it is reasonably priced. It has been updated recently to cover the latest badges – old copies have white text on the cover.
Buy the Badges & Awards book

Your Guide to Adventure – Log

This second offering is a all wrapped in a card folder. It contains a full colour log book that explains what Scouts are and what they do. It also has a lot of information about other resources and room for certificates and pocket books.

Much of this information is available elsewhere. It has recently been reduced from £6.00 to £4.00 probably reflecting the fact that unlike the Badges and Awards book, it has not yet been updated to reflect the new badges. Probably not worth purchasing at present.

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