Construction Update

larch cladding

Work on the hut is progressing well.
We have completed the external work of phase 2 and are busy plaster boarding the walls and getting ready for the second fix-stage.

Meeting room with newly plastered and painted walls
Walls plastered and with the first coat of paint

Much of this work is being carried out by volunteers, under the watchful eye of our builder. If you want to get involved please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Taking Shape

Winter scene showing the new hut under construction

With the addition of the walls it is now much easier to get a feel for the proportions of the new hut. They are still to be clad in timber.
As the photo shows the contractors have had to work in cold conditions this week.

A new start

Blockwork foundations

The foundations for the new hut are now in place, giving you a good idea of the size of the completed project. Fund-raising continues so that we can add the basic wooden structure and make it water-tight.

In the interim, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are either meeting outside or using other venues across the village. Check out My.SCOUT or the section pages for more details of the interim arrangements.

We’re off!

Panoramic view of the site

Although it is very sad to see the end of this phase of Scouting at Stocksfield, it is also very exciting to see the building work begin. Today the old hut was demolished and work started to clear the site. Two new wasps nests were no match for the JCB!

This video shows the site part way through demolition. The four main walls and roof have been removed, but the wooden floor is still visible. The digger tears down the kitchen.


The Old Hut

We are delighted to announce that we plan to begin phase 1 of the work on our new hut shortly. We will be sharing photos as the work progresses.

This phase will begin with demolition of the old hut and clearance of the site. After that the new foundations will be constructed, ready to receive the new basic wooden hut, roof, windows and doors.

Phase 2 (when funds allow) will see us fit out the inside of the hut and the extra parts used for storing equipment, providing a separate kitchen, etc.

Bee Prepared

Exposed comb

The roof may be leaking in places, but the hut was still providing shelter to a colony of wild bees, who were building their combs in a gap between the outer and inner walls. They were safely removed this weekend by parent and Honorary Treasurer Ben Mitchell, who has re-homed them in one of his hives. I am glad to say that neither Ben or the bees came to a sticky end!

The Hardest Questions


In the third of our section briefings, tonight we spoke to the Cubs and their parents. Thankfully this time we were spared heavy rain.

We answered a range of questions about our plans for the hut and the surrounding land – parents were keen to ensure that we had undertaken suitable environmental surveys to ascertain the flood risk. Perhaps the trickiest questions came from the Cubs who wanted to know every last detail of the construction!

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