Contact Us

If you want to contact an adult leader in a particular section (Beavers, Cubs or Scouts) directly then their details are available in the Sections entry of this site.

General questions about the 1st Stocksfield Scout Group should be addressed to the Group Scout Leader (GSL) in the first instance.


If you want to join the Group as a Beaver, Cub, Scout or Adult Leader, please use this special Joining Form.

Postal Enquiries

Please direct all correspondence to the following address:

1st Stocksfield Scout Group
The Scout Hut
NE43 7QP

Online General Enquiry Form

You can use this form to send a message which will be forwarded to the appropriate individual in the Group.

    Please do not use this form to send sensitive data.

    @1stStocksfield   #Belonging   #SkillsForLife
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