How we keep your child safe in Scouting
Our commitment to safety and adventure
Scouting offers fun, challenge and adventure to young people all over the UK. We know that young people thrive in safe surroundings. We are therefore committed to ensuring that Scouting is both enjoyable and safe for everyone who takes part.
As a parent or carer, you will have questions about how we achieve this and we hope to provide the answers on this page. If you still have questions, please contact the Group Scout Leader or the Scout Information Centre on 0845 300 1818 or email
Assessing Risks
Assessing risk in order to reduce or remove it is at the heart of safe Scouting and is present in everything we do. All adult leaders are trained to assess and minimise risks. Accidents and near misses are recorded and regularly reviewed by the Group Executive Committee.
How does Scouting appoint people who work with young people?
All those who help to run our activities are volunteers who give their time freely to help young people enjoy Scouting.
Leaders are interviewed locally and are asked to provide references. Everyone working with young people in Scouting is required to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. If you are asked to help with activities you may be asked to complete this process too.
Is there a written code of behaviour?
We have a clear code of behaviour (sometimes called the ‘Yellow Card’) which is given to all adults working in Scouting, regardless of their role. This is also included in the training that leaders receive. This gives advice about how young people should be treated and we expect and we expect everyone to follow it. If you volunteer to help out with an activity, you’ll be given one too.
If you would like to see a copy of the code of behaviour for adults visit or call us on 0845 300 1818.
How is Scouting managed locally?
The Scout Group has a Group Scout Leader (GSL). This person is responsible for leading the Scout Group; they act as the ‘manager’ for the volunteers in the Scout Group.
The Group Scout Leader is responsible to the District Commissioner (DC). This is the volunteer manager responsible for a geographical area – in our case Hadrian District within Northumberland. The District Commissioner can be contacted via or via the Scout Information Centre on 0845 300 1818.
Do Leaders receive training?
Yes– all leaders in Scouting have training which covers a wide range of topics including how to plan activities and games.
We expect all leaders to take courses in basic first aid and child protection. Specialist training is provided for those taking young people away on residential events such as camps and sleepovers.
How can I raise any concerns or comment on activities?
If you are unhappy with anything relating to your child’s time in Scouting you should raise it with your child’s leaders. If you would rather speak to someone else, please contact the Scout Information Centre on 0845 300 1818.
The 1st Stocksfield Scout Group has a complaints process which is linked to the Scout Association’s complaints policy which is available at
We are committed to ensuring that Scouting is both enjoyable and safe for everyone who takes part.
Does the Scout Association have a Safety Policy?
Yes. As an organisation that provides exciting activities to young people we take safety very seriously. If you are concerned about the safety of any Scouting activity and would like to know more about the safety arrangements in place, you should speak to the Beaver, Cub or Scout Leaders. You can also call the Scout Information Centre on 0845 300 1818, if you prefer.
What are the arrangements for outings or camps?
All leaders taking round people on outings or camps will give you notice in writing, asking for your permission and provide you with a way of contacting the group whilst they are away.
We will never ask to take individual young people away on their own or without another adult being present. ALL residential activities (camps and sleepovers) will have at least two adults present, unless the young people involved are Scouts, participating in an expedition or event where adults are not expected to attend at all. We will tell you if there is to be no adult presence at an activity.
No young people under the age of 18 are allowed to consume alcohol while on Scouting activities.
No Scouting activities ever take place while there is only one adult and one child present.
The NSPCC says that parents should be wary of:
- activities where parents are discouraged from staying to watch or become involved
- behaviour or activities that encourage rough play, sexual innuendo or humiliating punishments
- individuals who take charge and operate independently of organisational guidelines
- individuals who show favouritism or personally reward specific children
- encouragement of inappropriate physical contact
- poor communication and lack of parental involvement, leaving you feeling uneasy
- children who drop out or stop going for no apparent reason
- invitations for children to spend time alone with staff or volunteers (or even to visit their home)
We agree with the NSPCC and we would not expect any of these to occur in Scouting.