Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, leaders and their families joined the Remembrance Sunday service at the war memorial in Stocksfield today. As well as the Scout Group, there was the Deputy Lieutenant (representing the Queen), representatives from the Parish Council, the Army, Veterans, the British Legion, the Police and the Girl Guides Association. The service was led by Philippa Harpin.
Plans for the New Hut
The plans for the new hut have been approved by the local council and we are now seeking tenders for the building work (whilst continuing to fund raise).
Cub Camp 2013
These photos capture the experience better than words can
2013 AGM
This years Group Annual General Meeting will be held at the Scout Hut in Guessburn on Wednesday the 9th October, starting at 7.30 pm. All members of the Scout Group and their parents are very welcome.
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes – 27 June 2012
- Approval of the statement of accounts
- Nomination of Group Chairman and appointment of members of the Executive Committee)
- Appointment of sectional leaders to the Executive Committee (with the oral/written consent of the leaders concerned)
- To elect a Group Secretary
Mrs Helen Schooler has agreed to be nominated - To elect a Group Treasurer
Mr Ben Mitchell has agreed to be nominated - To appoint an auditor for the annual accounts
- To receive Group Scout Leader’s annual report (verbal)
- To receive the following sectional reports (verbal)
a. Scout Leader
b. Cub Leader
c. Beaver Leader - New Hut – progress report
- Fundraising
Which path will you take?
This video asks, What does it mean to be a Scout?
It’s about overcoming obstacles of all shapes and sizes, reaching your goals and celebrating your achievements, no matter how small. It’s also about having fun; get involved and join the adventure.
Think you know about Scouting?
This video challenges you to think again…
Gang Show
The stage is set as Hadrian District Scouts plans to hold its second Gang show in February 2014. Following on from last years success, the District is keen to hold a bigger and even better show. We want youngsters & leaders from all sections and groups to take part in the fun.
If you’re interested, please contact your section leader and let them know.
Ending on a High
For the final meeting of the year, the Cubs went to Broomley Grange Adventure Centre. Under the watchful eye of the Centre’s instructors, Stocksfield’s cubs tested out the assault course and this zip wire.
Things you probably didn’t know about Scouting
The Scout Association recently published these 30 amazing facts about Scouts on its blog.
Jumble Sale 2013
Starts 2pm on Saturday 22nd June, Stocksfield Community Centre
Jumble will be collected from houses in Stocksfield on Friday 21st of June from 6pm.
Donations can also be delivered to SICA on Saturday the 22nd between 10 and 11 am.
No computers or large furniture please as these items do not sell.
Thank you very much for your support.
Any queries should be directed to Philippa Harpin.