The AGM will now be held at the Scout Hut in Guessburn on Wednesday the 17th September, starting at 7.30 pm.
All members of the Scout Group and their parents are very welcome.
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes – 9th October 2013
- Approval of the statement of accounts
- Nomination of Group Chairman and appointment of members of the Executive Committee)
- Appointment of sectional leaders to the Executive Committee (with the oral/written consent of the leaders concerned)
- To elect a Group Secretary
- To elect a Group Treasurer
- To elect a Group Quartermaster
- To appoint an auditor for the annual accounts
- To receive Group Scout Leader’s annual report (verbal)
- To receive the following sectional reports (verbal)
a. Scout Leader
b. Cub Leader
c. Beaver Leader - New Hut & Fundraising – progress report
- Adult Leaders