Scouting during the Pandemic

The Group has had to continually adapt to the challenges posed by Covid-19. Throughout we have been following the guidance issued by The Scout Association. At times this meant that we could only meet online, at others only outside in small, well-spaced groups.

Throughout this time we have continued to offer Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, to try and provide a sense of normality for our members. The leaders have shown great flexibility and imagination to convert their programmes to the changing needs.

This PDF file provides more details about some of the fun activities undertaken this year.

Calling All Budding Photographers!

Northumberland County Scouts is running a Photography Challenge which is open to all sections.  The plan is to use some of the winning entries in a calendar for 2022. Each winning entry will receive a copy of the calendar and the calendar will be available to purchase. 

Over the next six months we will be posting two challenges at the beginning of each month, these challenges will cover different subject areas. There will be a description of each subject area and examples shown.

You must submit the original photograph, which must not be digitally altered or enhanced in any way.  

Submit your digital copy via Email

Hard copy submissions (if you use camera with film) can be posted to:

Ian Woods ACC Scouts, Scout House, 39 Horsley Avenue, Shiremoor, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE27 OUG.

Don’t forget you can use a camera with film, a digital camera, phone or any other photographic media device.

Four photographs will be chosen each month, one from each of four age groups. These age groups are Hedgehogs/Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers/Network.  If no appropriate photograph is received from one of the age groups we will select another from the submitted photographs across all age groups.

Members of the County Team will decide the final photographs which will be used for the calendar.

Please remember, do not submit any photographs which show personal information. As per GDPR any photograph which includes a person who is identifiable, consent must be gained. Please contact Ian Woods ACC Scouts for more information and a copy of the GDPR consent form.

If you submit a photograph you are automatically giving consent that it be published by Northumberland County Scouts.

Please include the following information when submitting any photographs. Photograph Subject, Young Person’s Name, Section, Scout Group and a copy of the GDPR consent form if required

The first two categories are:

ANIMALS – Photograph an animal, section of an animal or something which represents an animal (e.g. a bridle and saddle represents a horse).  This includes all members of the Animal Kingdom – fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and invertebrates (e.g. arthropods and arachnids)

MOTION – take a photograph that shows something in motion – blurring could be part of the desired effect.

The third and fourth subject areas are:

LIGHT – Use light creatively to take a photo – this could for example show refraction, reflection or shadow.

EMOTION – Choose a mood, emotion or feeling and take a photograph that conveys that feeling to others.

Please remember that you have until 2000hrs GMT on 24th March 2021 to submit photos for the first two subject areas. For the third and fourth subjects you can submit these up until 24th April 2000hrs GMT

Wintercamp 2021

Wintercamp 2021 is just around the corner and this time it’s Virtual!

Join us between the 15th and 17th January to melt away those winter blues for an action-packed weekend of virtual, interactive fun!

Work your way through our 5 activity zones: –
Arts & Crafts
Sustainable Development Goals

There are 150 activities suitable for all age groups for you to create your very own Wintercamp experience from the comfort of your own home! These will be available from the Wintercamp website from 6pm on Friday 15th January. As such this year’s Wintercamp is open to Beavers, Cubs and Scouts (and Guides and your friends).

What’s more, all our activities are linked to the Scout Programme so you can work towards badges & awards whilst having fun!

New for 2021, we are excited to announce Wintercamp TV. We will be broadcasting live from 6pm on the 15th and throughout the weekend with special guests, live demos, interactive quizzes, Q&As and updates on our interactive Wintercamp Challenge leader board.

Speaking of Wintercamp Challenge, do you think you have what it takes conquer 25 interactive 1-minute challenges? Tune into Wintercamp TV from 6pm on the 15th to find out more! You might even get to appear on Wintercamp TV.

What three words quiz

picture showing land split into squares, each has three words

The makers of what3words have divided the world into 3 metre squares. Each square has been assigned a unique combination of three words. Using a free phone app, anyone with what3words can pinpoint locations, such as building entrances and communicate this to others. It is a tool we have been using in Scouts as an easy way to give a precise location to the Emergency Services.

Northumberland County Scouts have created a what three words quiz to help you practice. It is open to all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. You will need to either download the app or use the what3words website to complete it.

The prize draw will take place at 10 pm on the 31st of January 2021 so make sure your entry is received before then for your chance to win. 

Scout Post 2020

Cards ready to be delivered

Sadly this year we have taken the decision to cancel Scout Post this year due to the ongoing pandemic. We look forward to posting your cards again next year.

Box challenge

Box filled with small things

Calling all members of Northumberland Scouting from the tallest Beaver to the smallest Explorer, Cubs, Scouts, Network, leaders and parents you are all invited to compete in the packing challenge of the decade! Physical scouting may have stopped but we can still do stuff from home and this is just the beginning!

Your challenge is to fit as many single items without repeats in to one of the following:

  • Match box
  • Tick Tack box
  • Playing card box
  • Paracetamol box.

Keep a list of everything you can pack into your box, take a photo and email and we will announce the winner in each section.
Every participant will get a certificate for joining in.
Get your entries in by next Wednesday – the 25th of March!

Example entry:
Cub section
Hadrian district
1st Stocksfield Cubs
Jo Smithers
Match box
Pencil stub, leaf, piece of grass, pin, cuddly toy, grand piano, compass, key….


Hammocks in the woods

Calling all young people from across Northumberland, the UK, and the Wider World. COVID-19 may have changed the way we do things, but it won’t stop Scouts camping!
Northumberland Scouts are organising a month-long Virtual Camp across April, from the 1st to the 30th. The camp will end with an attempt to set the world record for the largest virtual camp on the 30th of April, when we’d like as many people as possible to participate.
Take up the challenge and let’s keep on #virtually camping, here are the “Rules”We’re asking you all…… Hedgehogs, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network, Leaders, Parents, and Young People interested in joining in the fun to: 

  • Pack a bag
  • Build a den at home / pitch a tent in the garden/ hang up a hammock (whatever you can)
  • Sleep in your shelter of choice
  • Build a ‘campfire’ (real or virtual)
  • Take part in a “Scouty activity”
  • Help with cooking meal

MOST IMPORTANTLY……. Each night you participate share a creative photo, video, blog, etc. to our social media with: #CampAtHome 

  • Facebook: Northumberland Scouts
  • Twitter: @1stStocksfield and @NorthlandScouts
  • Instagram: @Northumberland_Scouts

 Then share them with your leaders and friends to show that although we can’t meet “Face to Face” Scouting doesn’t stop!

Each Young Person who takes part will be entitled to 1 Night Away for each night they participate (as long as they aren’t sleeping in their bed). Meaning you could get up to an extra 30 Nights Away if you take on the challenge! Everyone who participates will also get a #VirtualCertificate for joining in, we will also be awarding special #VirtualCertificates for those that manage the full month. Additionally, if you take part on the 30th of April and we get enough participants you’ll be part of setting a world record!

The Great Indoors

The Great Indoors

We know the coming days and weeks are going to be difficult for families across the UK, as the spread of Covid-19 causes schools to close. As the experts in developing skills and bringing adventure to young people, The Scout Association wants to do what it can to help.  

While we normally love the great outdoors, The Scout Association has pulled together some inspired indoor activity ideas. We hope they will keep your kids learning new skills and having fun (and avoid hearing ‘I’m bored’ every 30 seconds) all in #TheGreatIndoors.

There are also plans afoot for “virtual meetings” so that we can all carry on Scouting – more details to follow soon


  • Scouts and Cubs learn to fence
    En guarde!

Older Beavers and Younger scouts joined the Cubs at a camp at Dukeshouse Wood. They left with new experiences, new friends and a significant amount of mud on their clothes!

Thinking of Others

Makeshift shelter

Everyone in the Group has been raising funds to try and finish off the new hut. At the same time though, it is important that our members also think of others. For the last three years the Scout Troop has effectively been homeless, operating out of a range of temporary locations. This was used as a stimulus for discussions about homelessness, poverty and the things we take for granted. Scouts built temporary shelters using scavenged materials. They collected donations for a local food bank. Together with the Beavers, Cubs and Leaders, they have also been learning about sanitation and have been working to twin our toilets in the new hut, to create new toilets elsewhere where they are really needed.

Page from a quiz about toilet twinning
Scouts learnt about sanitation issues in a quiz. The answer is D by the way 🙂

I am always impressed by their resourcefulness. Three Scouts raised almost enough to twin a toilet on their own through an impromptu bake-sale. The Cubs also made and sold some nice looking mince pies after their Christmas play.

A plate of mince pies, each topped with the Scout emblem
Fantastic mince pies
@1stStocksfield   #Belonging   #SkillsForLife
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