Box challenge

Calling all members of Northumberland Scouting from the tallest Beaver to the smallest Explorer, Cubs, Scouts, Network, leaders and parents you are all invited to compete in the packing challenge of the decade! Physical scouting may have stopped but we can still do stuff from home and this is just the beginning!

Your challenge is to fit as many single items without repeats in to one of the following:

  • Match box
  • Tick Tack box
  • Playing card box
  • Paracetamol box.

Keep a list of everything you can pack into your box, take a photo and email and we will announce the winner in each section.
Every participant will get a certificate for joining in.
Get your entries in by next Wednesday – the 25th of March!

Example entry:
Cub section
Hadrian district
1st Stocksfield Cubs
Jo Smithers
Match box
Pencil stub, leaf, piece of grass, pin, cuddly toy, grand piano, compass, key….

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