Local knowledge

In the age of satellite imagery and gps, there’s a risk that people rely on this technology and don’t form their own mental maps. Not so the Stocksfield Cubs. Here they are making their own map of the village using ropes and marking key landmarks with their bodies.


Cubs sat in front of a fire engine

The Cubs had a great time at Hexham Fire Station tonight, working towards their Fire Safety Badge. Returning home they warned parents about the dangers of leaving things plugged in overnight!

Construction Update

larch cladding

Work on the hut is progressing well.
We have completed the external work of phase 2 and are busy plaster boarding the walls and getting ready for the second fix-stage.

Meeting room with newly plastered and painted walls
Walls plastered and with the first coat of paint

Much of this work is being carried out by volunteers, under the watchful eye of our builder. If you want to get involved please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Pirate Time

Pirate Marra

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts from Stocksfield joined members from all over Northumberland, visiting the Pirate Marra Camp.  There was a range of activities to try (though I don’t remember Captain Hook riding a segway)

Cub on a segway
Scout in mid-air about 6 metres above a huge air bag, having jumped off the taller of two platforms
Cubs demonstrating their skills on the crazy golf course
Scouts sliding down an enormous air slide

Mountain Bike Champions!

Winning Team

Congratulations to the Scouts who won the District Mountain Bike competition at Slaley Woods this year. They had to master a challenging track designed by leaders from the 1st Hexham Group. Cheering them on was local school teacher (and Scout Leader) Alex Hammersley whose Mountain Bike Club at school could well have been our secret weapon!

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