Working together


The Scout Association is keen for people (within Scouting as well as outside it) to recognise that it is “Youth Shaped” – all about young people and adults working in partnership together. UK Scouting is focusing on February to really support young people and volunteers to embed this traditional part of Scouting into what we do and celebrate what are already good examples of Youth Shaped Scouting.

Groups are challenged to run a series of YouShape activities where the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts take a significant role in determining the programme. One way that sections can do this is to declaring it for everyone to see, by creating a pledge that both leaders and young people can sign up to.

A new start

Blockwork foundations

The foundations for the new hut are now in place, giving you a good idea of the size of the completed project. Fund-raising continues so that we can add the basic wooden structure and make it water-tight.

In the interim, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are either meeting outside or using other venues across the village. Check out My.SCOUT or the section pages for more details of the interim arrangements.


Happy Families

We had a great Group Family Day – helped in part by amazing weather. 1st Stocksfield Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, family and friends spent the day at Broomley Grange. Activities ranged from traditional outdoor adventure activities –  crate-stacking, scaling the climbing wall, running the assault course – to classic camp games – welly hurling – to the quite frankly bizarre – playing hungry hippo using washing up basins and skateboards. There was no doubt which was the favourite though – I think we could have spent the whole day on the waterslide!

There was also a healthy turnout for the AGM – thanks to those who volunteers to help on the Group Executive Committee – you make it happen.

Group Fun Day – 16th July

On the zipwire

All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, their parents and siblings are invited to the 1st Stocksfield Group Fun Day. This year it will be held at Broomley Grange (NE43 7RX) – [map].

Come along and join in the fun – try out the zip wire, assault course, etc. and see what everyone has got up to this year. There will be presentations from each section and the annual awards ceremony. Food will be provided. All welcome.

Pointing in the right direction

Compass painted on the road

Leaders may ask parents to provide additional information about their child in Scouting soon to help complete their record on Compass, the new membership system for The Scout Association. We should already have most of the information required by Compass gathered when your child joined, but we may take this opportunity to refresh or double check that these details are still correct.


Compass is a new database being provided nationally to all Scout Leaders as a place to keep all their young people’s information safe and secure, and allow them to link it up to Scout’s progress in badges, awards, programme planning as well as having the latest emergency contact or medical details in one place. We will also ask questions you may see on a National Census like faith, ethnic/cultural background or additional needs. Scouting is an inclusive organisation and as such it is important to understand the diversity of our membership to ensure the programme, activities and delivery of Scouting is appropriate and relevant for all young people, whatever their background or needs. Leaders cannot deliver the best Scouting experience in an inclusive way if we do not know who our members are and their needs.

More details about Compass can be found on the Scout Association website – if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask any Section Leader. 

Background Photo by Bruce Berrien

Remembrance Sunday

Wreath of Poppies

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders will be joining in the annual Remembrance Sunday celebration on November the 8th, marching in uniform from Stocksfield Station to the War Memorial. Parents are very welcome too! Please wear poppies if you have them.

We will meet in the Railway Station Car Park at 10.30 am, dressed ready to walk to the memorial. We should be back at the car park by about 11.30 am, with refreshments served afterwards at the community centre (SICA).

2015 Group AGM


The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Scout Hut in Guessburn on Wednesday the 21st October, 7.00 – 8.00 pm.

All parents are warmly invited to attend the Group AGM – it will be a very quiet meeting if you don’t!
Badges will be awarded to Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

This is your chance to talk with the new leaders, find out what’s happening about the hut, meet the man who removed the bees and more!

A walk in the park

The Beavers with Carole

The Beaver Colony managed to pick a dry evening for their annual walk on the final meeting of this Scouting year. It was a sponsored walk, raising money for the new hut.

At the end the Beavers said farewell and thank you to their leader Carole, who is retiring this summer. Happily Matthew has volunteered to take over the Colony.

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