Chinese New Year

Cubs spent the night learning about Chinese New Year

  • Cubs copying symbols
    Cubs learnt to write Happy New Year in Chinese script

There was much hilarity learning which year they were born in and trying to eat noodles using chopsticks!

Pointing in the right direction

Compass painted on the road

Leaders may ask parents to provide additional information about their child in Scouting soon to help complete their record on Compass, the new membership system for The Scout Association. We should already have most of the information required by Compass gathered when your child joined, but we may take this opportunity to refresh or double check that these details are still correct.


Compass is a new database being provided nationally to all Scout Leaders as a place to keep all their young people’s information safe and secure, and allow them to link it up to Scout’s progress in badges, awards, programme planning as well as having the latest emergency contact or medical details in one place. We will also ask questions you may see on a National Census like faith, ethnic/cultural background or additional needs. Scouting is an inclusive organisation and as such it is important to understand the diversity of our membership to ensure the programme, activities and delivery of Scouting is appropriate and relevant for all young people, whatever their background or needs. Leaders cannot deliver the best Scouting experience in an inclusive way if we do not know who our members are and their needs.

More details about Compass can be found on the Scout Association website – if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask any Section Leader. 

Background Photo by Bruce Berrien

Remembrance Sunday

Wreath of Poppies

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders will be joining in the annual Remembrance Sunday celebration on November the 8th, marching in uniform from Stocksfield Station to the War Memorial. Parents are very welcome too! Please wear poppies if you have them.

We will meet in the Railway Station Car Park at 10.30 am, dressed ready to walk to the memorial. We should be back at the car park by about 11.30 am, with refreshments served afterwards at the community centre (SICA).

2015 Group AGM


The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Scout Hut in Guessburn on Wednesday the 21st October, 7.00 – 8.00 pm.

All parents are warmly invited to attend the Group AGM – it will be a very quiet meeting if you don’t!
Badges will be awarded to Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

This is your chance to talk with the new leaders, find out what’s happening about the hut, meet the man who removed the bees and more!

Cub Camp Questions

Open bell tent

If your Cub is going to camp, John is holding a meeting about it at the Scout Hut at 1pm on Saturday the 22nd of August.
He will be going through the programme, discussing meals, medicine, first aid, home sickness, friendship groups and pocket money.

You don’t have to attend but if your cub has not been away with us before the more we know about their like and dislikes the better we can care for them.

If your cub has any concerns about going and you can’t attend please let John know so we can make the best plan for your cub so they get the most enjoyment out of this camp.

Photo by imcountingufo

New Badges

Beavers Adventure All The Way

The Scout Association has updated the badge requirements for 2015 and we have switched to this scheme in Stocksfield. (Don’t worry you can still wear old badges and finish any you are working on).

We’ve added details of the new scheme and the publications to support it:

Scout Post 2014

Scout Post franked mail

Local residents can use Scout Post to have cards delivered to addresses in Broomley, Hedley, Mickley and Stocksfield (with a NE43 postcode). Cards should be placed into the special Scout Postboxes located in the two Post Offices in Stocksfield and we ask for a minimum donation of 20p per card. Collections start on the 1st of December. The final date for posting is 12 noon on the 19th of December.

The cards are  delivered by members of the Scout Group. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can collect their allotted cards from Philippa’s house (25 Cade Hill Road) between 3pm and 7pm each Friday.

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